Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christmas Eve


 I realised Christmas Eve that I had a glut of tomato's to use up before they went bad, our tomato plants had been doing wonderfully and producing these gorgeously red, lush tomatos.  So we took them all off the plant, red and green both, then sliced them up with some bacon, onion and garlic.  Browned the bacon and onion in some good olive oil, and threw all the tomatos into a deep pan.  After the onion and bacon was browned I put them all together with some pepper, and some left of tomato vinegar mixture from making relish a few weeks back.

I let if simmer for hours, it was silky and delish.  The vinegar made it a tad sweet in the end, but we devoured it Christmas night and there is still plenty left over in the freezer. YUM!

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